Study for the USMLE Step 2 CK Exam with AMBOSS


Get the Primary Resource Missing from Your Step 2 CK Prep

The USMLE Step 2 CK is a pivotal exam in your medical school career that tests your ability to apply medical knowledge during real-life examination scenarios. It is normally taken in the fourth year of medical school after you’ve completed your clerkships and NBME Shelf exams. Extensive, while still condensed and succinct, resources will be essential for your exam preparation.

With over 2000+ Step 2 CK questions and corresponding Learning Cards that encompass Neurology, Surgery, Internal Medicine, and other high-yield topics, AMBOSS is the final puzzle piece missing from your Step 2 CK study plan.

"I've been looking [for] different content to prepare for step 2 CK, and there's plenty of it [all] over the web, but few to none other have all the tools and shortcuts in one place that let you save time when reviewing."

- Jaime A. P. P., Medical Student


"AMBOSS transformed the way in which I studied for Step 2 CK. By hyperlinking keywords in the question directly to the AMBOSS Library, I am able to bypass scanning through the index/glossary. By clicking on the underlined words, I instantly accessed the most critical clinical information to ensure that I understood the question from every diagnostic standpoint." 

-Christopher J. S., Medical Student

How Can AMBOSS Help You Study for Step 2 CK?

AMBOSS can help you sharpen your clinical reasoning with realistic Qbank questions and scenarios. Refer to lab values, differential diagnoses, images like EKGs and X-rays and more on the platform:

  • The more questions you practice, the better you’ll do, and AMBOSS offers over 2000+. Turn on Quiz Mode to go through questions in the way they’ll be presented on test day, with a timer and simulated USMLE-style interface.
  • Crosslinked content keeps your studying centralized. Each Qbank question answer is linked to a corresponding Learning Card that covers the topic in question. You’ll learn not just why what’s right is right, but why what’s wrong is wrong.
  • Study during your downtime or on-the-go, even offline. Time management is a piece of cake with our Qbank and Knowledge apps for iOS and Android. Practice going through questions during anywhere from the clinic to your commute.
  • Enable the Highlighting Tool in any question stem or turn on High-Yield Mode in the Learning Cards to immediately see the most important information relevant for any topic. It’s condensed information that’s easier to recall on exam day.
  • Use real clinical data to get the big picture on any disease or condition. Both the Qbank and Knowledge Library feature charts, X-rays with overlays, videos, SmartZoom samples and other images that illustrate key points on different topics.